
Friday, September 18, 2020


Raja Rao is one of the most important Indian English writers. He is Padma Bhushan and Sahitya Academy Award winner. kanthapura is best known piece of art .novel is narrated in form of Purana where brahmins are privileged and pariahs are marginalised but village retains its traditions. orthodox is pitted against progression .it is a great regional Indian novel written in English where Ram Ravan myth is described. RAM is Moorthi. Sita is India and Ravana is British colonization .Mahatma Gandhi is not visible but his progressive ideas, Satyagrah are always there in the soul of the novel novel stresses on widow remarriage ,women education rising above the castiesm and against the practice of untouchability. there is carefully chosen imagery and antithesis with paradox indulges in the novel .It is a perfect Masterpiece.


the poem deals with the oppression of women not only by men but also by the entire fabric of society including women themselves .the woman mentioned in the poem goes to the market in the morning to buy a bunch of green methi. she meets the dark there is a block of her mother-in-law for no reason. The mother in law keeps abusing her as well as her parents. she says that the women's parents have sent her to darken the lives of people in other homes .the poor woman feels like busting at heart but then realises that she was no exception she was just another woman and 'other torch blazing in the dark.' the poem ends with the line - 'Shield our faces from the heat.' the heat Here is the heat to which a woman is subjected in the house of her in-laws all her life the woman can Shield herself from the heat of the cooking pot but not from the heat of her mother in law's abuses and what do we do all about it ?asks the poet ironically. the traditional Indian society is a patriarchal society in which women are treated like slaves . a married woman in a traditional Indian family has not only to submit to all the reasonable and unreasonable demands of her husband but also suffer silently all the insult showered on her by her mother in law, says the poet.


In the poem 'bangle sellers' by Sarojini Naidu ,she underlines the auspiciousness and the symbolic value of the custom of wearing bangles among traditional Indian women the poet beautifully brings out the beauty of bangles. women in all stages of life virgins brides and mature Matriarch love to wear bangles. the various colours of the bangles are objective by the feelings of their heart. the poet calls these bangles Rainbow tinted circles of light. they are lustrous tokens of Radiant lives for happy daughters and Happy Wives . the bangles that maidens love to wear are silver and blue in their colour some of the bangles look like the fields of Sun lit corns, their bangles have the glow of marriage fire ,their Jingle and Tinkle symbolises the laughter and pearly tears of bride. mature middle aged woman, their bangles are green coloured with purple and gold flex on them that symbolise their pride and satisfaction in having lived a successful married life. Sarojini Naidu's 'the bangle seller 'is rich in poetic devices like alliteration Simile ,Metaphor, rhyme scheme and repetitions. alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds for example Gods at her husband's side. simile is a comparison between two different things actions of feelings using the words as a like for example flushed like the buds. metAphor is comparison between the similar things to bring out some quality for example tranquil brow of Woodland dream. rhyme scheme of the poem has four stanzas and each having three pairs of rhyming lines and repetition the word 'some' has been repeated 6 times in the poem.


Tagore does not talk of political freedom, for him political or economic freedom is not real freedom .real freedom is not of the body it is of the mind, of the heart and of the soul. we can't be truly free if you have narrow mind and cowardly hearts .according to Tagore true freedom lies in mental ,moral and spiritual freedom, that is why he wants his country to be free from the narrow considerations of cast, colour and Creed. he visualizes a country that is free from all evils .the poet wants his countrymen to be Fearless they should be able to hold their heads high with honour .the poet wants his country to be a place where knowledge is free and people live in love and Unity. but sadly reality is quite the opposite, instead of being perfect people have become the slaves of all sorts of evils .every man remains ready to cut each other's throat. knowledge is not yet free poet has use alliteration that is the repetition of consonant sounds for instance 'the head is held high'. poet has used repetition, assonance and rhyme in his poetry .assonance is the repetition of identical similar vowel sounds .rhyme is the similarity or sameness of the last word sound in a line of a poem.


when you are old "is a poem addressed to the poet's beloved Maud gonne. the poet pictures his beloved in old age she will become old and grey she will keep sitting most of the time but the fireside and will have a book of the poet's poems on her lap. she will realise that it was only the poet who love the beauty of her soul he didn't love me I leave the beauty of her body the poet's love for her would remain as intense as ever. "but one man loved the pilgrim soul in you and loved The Sorrows of your changing face". the poet says that in old age she will realise there could be many who loved her beauty truely or falsely but there was one who continued loving her even in her old age he loved not only the movements of glad Grace but also The Sorrows of a changing face. He loved not only her body but also the pilgrim soul in her. the poet does underline the significance and the role of time in one's life. time once lost can never be recalled therefore one must take one's decisions very thoughtfully so that one has not to repent later. youth is the time of beauty joy and strength. old age is a time of pain and sorrow. the poet presents old age a period of desolation only a true lover stands by a person even in his old age.


My Last Duchess is a fine specimen of dramatic monologue. the silent listener is the messenger of a count whose daughter the Duke in tends to wed. the Duke reveals his egotistical and possessive nature . That's My Last Duchess painted on the walls as the Duke in the very first line of the poem. through this Duke reveals his jealousy when he says that it was not her husband's presence only that called as what of joy into the duchess 's cheek'. he reveals Heartless cruelty when he says I gave commands then all Smiles stopped together. is diplomacy becomes clear his hypotheses scene when he says that the counts fair daughter and not the dowry his main object. the image of a sweet beautiful simple hearted and innocent girl at one springs alive before our eyes .she was indeed too good for the detestable beastly Duke there is a deep irony also when the Duke says about his demand for dowry irony means a contradiction between what is said and what is meant or is expected.


Art symbolises both beauty and truth: 'beauty is truth, truth beauty'. life is transient while art is permanent. keats present a contrast between art and life. wildlife is transit Re art is permanent the grecian urn is a work of art. the poet is wondering over the requisite beauty of the urn he is looking at. he calls it the 'unravished bride of quietness ','The foster child of silence and slow time' and 'a sylvan historian'. there are pipers and musicians carved on it .there is a picture of young boy singing a song, trees that will never shed their leaves and a sacrificial scene in which a priest is leading a calf to be sacrificed at the altar . the poet calls this beauty of art the real truth as it will remain a source of everlasting joy. Art is a friend to man because it transports man to a word of endless joy and beauty there is a love scene carved on the surface of the urn. the sculptor has immortalized both the beauty of the beloved and the intensity of the love . does it is shown that art is permanent and forever true.:

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Getting and spending we lay waste our powers :WORDSWORTH

Little we see in nature that is ours; we have given our hearts away ,a sordid boon The world is too much with us .It is a criticism of life in this modern mechanical world. the poem laments the fact that people have become too materialistic and indifferent to the beauties of nature. They have given their hearts away to the god of money and lost all interest in the beauties of nature. the beautiful scenes of nature don't move them. He believed that all the ills of word are a result of man's disassociation from nature. Man has become a worshipper of mammon, he says that he would rather be a pagan then be a Christian ,if he were a pagan he could experience the presence of Gods and Goddesses in nature .he could see Proteus rise from the sea and hear Triton blow his wrathed horn. Wordsworth was a great lover of nature. Thus the poet has used Greek mythology. The world is indeed too much with us.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


The boast of heraldry, the pump of power ,the beauty of the body and the wealth of material possessions can't save anyone from death .Death is a great leveller. It spares none. It is the biggest fact of life which one can't deny .Everyone high or low, rich or poor or whatever cast of creed on whatever reason or religion, has to go to death one day or the other .There is a poem called elegy written in a country churchyard by Thomas Grey that pays tribute and respect to the Dead By fulfilling the only Desire they had before their deaths and their Desire is universally common. It is desired to be remembered after death .He wants to see some pious tears in the eyes of the person. He is starting from the desire to be remembered lives even after that, even the Ashes lying under the Tomb animated with their Desire .The poet calls this desire the voice of nature. the poet remembers his friend that died young. thus the paths of Glory lead but to the grave so pompous attitude is short lived.


Raja Rao is one of the most important Indian English writers. He is Padma Bhushan and Sahitya Academy Award winner. kanthapura is best know...